the regular range of pies, pasties and rolls.

steak pasty
locally sourced grass fed beef steak slow cooked with potato, carrot and onion infused with mixed herbs
roast veg(an) pasty
roasted medley of red capsicum, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin and onion folded through a rich, tomato base

chunky steaky pie
locally sourced grass fed beef steak slow cooked in a roasted beef bone broth gravy

steak and caramelised
onion pie
locally sourced grass fed beef steak, with real caramelised onion, slow cooked in a slightly sweet roasted beef bone broth gravy

chicken, mushroom
and thyme pie
locally sourced chicken, with mushroom and fresh thyme, simmered in a roasted chicken bone broth gravy finished with maleny dairies cream

sausage roll
local beef and pork with fresh sage and

spinach, fetta and
macadamia roll
spinach with australian fetta and smooth ricotta with the added crunch of local roasted macadamias

spinach, fetta and
macadamia roll
lo-lo gluten*
spinach, with australian fetta and smooth
ricotta plus the added crunch of local
roasted macadamias, wrapped in pie guy's
own all butter gluten free pastry
*made to a gluten free recipe although cross contamination may occur

steak pasty
lo-lo gluten*
locally sourced grass fed beef steak slow
cooked with potato, carrot and onion and
infused with mixed herbs, wrapped in pie
guy's own all butter gluten free pastry
*made to a gluten free recipe although cross contamination may occur

roast veg pasty
lo-lo gluten*
roasted medley of red capsicum, eggplant,
zucchini, pumpkin and onion folded
through a rich, tomato base, wrapped in
pie guy's own all butter gluten free pastry
*made to a gluten free recipe although cross contamination may occur

sausage roll
lo-lo gluten*
local beef and pork, with fresh sage and
onion, wrapped in pie guy's own all butter
gluten free pastry
*made to a gluten free recipe although cross contamination may occur